About Us

Emma(aka one time laziest person in the world) decided before she was 30 she wanted to run a marathon. Aubrey (aka super fit lunatic) decided he'd help her. Together they finished the Barcelona marathon 2011. With her 30th birthday fast approaching Emma was not content with having only one marathon under her belt before the big 3-0 and wanted to take on the King of all marathons - New York City. What could make this challenge even better? Raising €10,000 for the Irish Cancer Society. Over the next four months, they'll be pounding the pavements, shaking buckets and bleeding their friends dry all in the name of cancer research. This will be Emma's second marathon and Aubrey's forth.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tricky training!

Training 4 days a week for 4 months can be tricky. It's takes time planning and then when you think you can fit all your runs in easily, life gets in the way and you find yourself getting up early, or running late to keep on top of things and to keep putting those miles on your legs.

The last two weeks were particularly tricky work was(is!) hectic and the weather wasn't the best(summer - what summer! Has officially left us), making sure you hit the distances on the 4 runs was tough.

I spoke to a girl in work about it and she showed me an amazing video on which brought back memories of the marathon in Barcelona, the pain, the sweat, the blisters and the pure joy when you cross that finish line. I can't wait to get my medal on 6th November because this time it will be even more special together, myself and Aubrey, with your help will have raised €10,000 for cancer research in Ireland. If that's not something to make you smile, I don't know what is!

Want to get involved? Contact us at emmahamiltonpr@gmail.com or sponsor us online by clicking here

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week 5

Now heading into our fifth week of training and its amazing how the distance clocks up.  We had a combined running distance last week of (57 + 28) and lets just say both our legs were knackered at the weekend.

This weekends running was tough not so much because of the distance but it seem to pore rain when Emma went out for her long run and the same happened to me, to say we were soaked would be an understatement, thank goodness there was warm food and lots of it when we got home. 

This week will see us step it up a notch again, Emma has to hit 13km on the long run furthest she's run for months. My training actually drops back a little but have to add in some cross training so will go for a swim and a long cycle with the lads on Saturday.   

Unfortunately since the last post I've badly injured my shoulder swimming in preparation for Ironman Galway (an old dislocation problem) thankfully this injury hasn't affected my running.  I took a trip to the legendary physiotherapist Dr Marie Elaine Grant, who's helped me out. As I wasn't behaving myself and doing my homework I was given a firm telling off for not doing enough maintenance exercise on the eternal rotator cuff, which is a group of muscles and their tendons that act to stabilize the shoulder or in simple terms keep it in place and not slip out or dislocate…ouch!!

Aside from that the other big change is we got a foam roller yesterday in Argos which helps massage sore legs after long runs and is an important ingredient to our recovery plans.

Running here there and everywhere

We've been neglecting the blog of late - sorry! It's been a busy couple of weeks with trips to London, weddings in Cork and stags in Westport. Despite all that training is continuing and going well - even managed to get two runs in while over in London. Check out the short video!

Our run took us around Fulham including past Stamford Bridge! Good to mix up our runs and get a chance to see a new city while at it

Outside Chelsea FC