About Us

Emma(aka one time laziest person in the world) decided before she was 30 she wanted to run a marathon. Aubrey (aka super fit lunatic) decided he'd help her. Together they finished the Barcelona marathon 2011. With her 30th birthday fast approaching Emma was not content with having only one marathon under her belt before the big 3-0 and wanted to take on the King of all marathons - New York City. What could make this challenge even better? Raising €10,000 for the Irish Cancer Society. Over the next four months, they'll be pounding the pavements, shaking buckets and bleeding their friends dry all in the name of cancer research. This will be Emma's second marathon and Aubrey's forth.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's only just begun!

Into the second week of training(only another 14 to go!) and the legs are feeling the runs! The first couple of weeks are actually some of the hardest even though the distance is nothing at all.(sorry correction nothing compared to week 12 and 13 and the final week where we'll be running over 55km a week!) You're legs are starting to get used to pounding the pavements four times a week and your head has to get around the fact that you can't skip a run, no excuses!

We are so lucky to live by the sea as there are so many wonderful and scenic runs on our doorstep. So far this week we have run the west pier in Dun Laoghiare and 'the Dalkey loop'(which is from Dun Laogharie out along Sandycove onto Coliemore up over Sorrento and back around), all in all amazing stuff! Thankfully we have had some nice(ish) weather of late which has helped with the motivation.

As the weeks go by we'll really start clocking up the mileage on our long runs at the weekend. Sometimes it's difficult to map a route that's interesting and not too well worn!

As loyal supporters we're asking you to come up with an idea for a run, then we can map it and run it. Generally we like to start and/or finish in Dun Laoghaire(Crunch is there, it's handy too, travelling too far makes it even harder to motivate yourself!) Last time round someone suggested we get the dart to Howth and run home! Now that's a run and a half - 24.6km exactly! Mental when you can tell anyone that will listen that you ran home from Howth!

Got an idea for a run? Leave a comment below

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Did you know..?

  • The average Marathoner’s training plan including the Marathon covers some 1,031 kilometres in a four month period. That's from Dublin to Bordeaux!

  • The average amount of water a marathoner drinks in a four month training period is 310 litres.

  • On a warm day the average runner can lose up to four litres of sweat during a marathon.

  • If you weigh say 68kilos (10.7 stone) you burn on average 1,126 for every 10 miles run so for the marathon its 2,927 and the training period 116,090. Any one for Pizza?!

  • The average body can store between 1,200 and 1,500 calories in muscle and liver therefore it begs the question where does the extra amount required for the marathon come from..? Fatty acids and the fuel you put in during the race…

  • Every wondered by some marathoners have white deposits on their skin when they finish a marathon? The average athlete will lose approximately 1000 milligrams of sodium per litre of sweat or two teaspoons of salt per marathon.

  • Most common complaints when running a marathon are cramps, sore muscles, lack of will power…..most of which are easily dealt with.

  • A average marathon runner changes their runners after each marathon as they have worn out!
  • Monday, July 11, 2011

    €10,000 WOW that's ALOT of money!

    It's been a week since myself and Aubrey officially signed up to the challenge of a lifetime and our fundraising has started off fantastically. Unbelievably we're already a 10th of the way there, we really appreciate everyone's support to date, not only the sponsorship but also the offers of valuable time and ideas. Thank you everyone!

    Training OFFICIALLY starts this week(has anyone got a spare pair of legs, we might just need them!) Four days of running, all short runs, 5km, 7km, 5km and 8km. (I'm laughing as I type 'short runs' it's not so long ago that I thought 3km was the longest distance ever. Taking me 30 mins to recover afterwards! I never thought I would complete a marathon let alone sign up for another one!) As Aubrey is bringing his part of the challenge to another level, completing Dublin on the Monday then on to New York on the Sunday, he will be adding an extra day of training and some speed training. All distances will be somewhat the same.

    For the gamblers amongst you we will be opening up a sweepstakes to guess our times, individually and together, more details to follow later in the week!

    p.s. Got an idea for a fundraiser? Email us at emmahamiltonpr@gmail.com

    Monday, July 4, 2011

    The very first post!

    There we are posing with our medals earlier this year after completing Marto Barcelona. What a day! Not only was there glorious sunshine, but I had just completed the unimaginable - I had finished a marathon! No not a shopping marathon or a sleep marathon(I've a good couple of those under my belt!), an actual road race, with people who liked to run for a very long time. It's an experience I'll never forget it.

    Before I took on Barcelona, I thought I'd never compete in one marathon, let alone two! But here I am getting ready to embark on my biggest challenge to date, the New York City marathon, the king of all marathons, the big one. Ahh but that's not a challenge I hear you say, you've both done it before(this will be Aubrey's forth), you need a bigger challenge. You're right - myself and Aubrey wanted a bigger challenge and have set ourselves an enormous fundraising target €10,000 for the Irish Cancer Society.

    It's ambitious, some will call us crazy(wouldn't be the first time!) but it's a cause, like many of you reading this, that is very close to our hearts. We know the sweat, blisters and possible tears(Aubrey's not mine!) will be worth it.

    Over the next four months we'll be updating this blog with our journey to marathon glory!

    So pull up a chair and join us for our NYC €10,000 challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society!